CERT Field Communications

Readiness Condition

CERT Field Communications Tasks

Readiness Condition 6 – Training

  • Participate in radio testing with ARES / Races, Manatee County and Del Webb CERT members.

Readiness Condition 5 – Awareness

  • Continue radio testing.

Readiness Condition 4 – Preparation

  • Notify the Activation Manager of activation intentions and secure a substitute if evacuating.

Readiness Condition 3 – Standby

  • Ensure you have a working radio and conduct a radio test.

Readiness Condition 2 – Alert

  • Conduct radio test with ARES / RACES.

Readiness Condition 1 – Activate

  • When condition are safe, set up and begin radio operations in accordance with the Communications Plan.
  • Maintain a Comms Log (CERT Form 6 / ICS 309) and prepare forms ICS 213 & ICS 214.