CERT Team Member

Readiness Condition

CERT Team Member Tasks

Readiness Condition 6 – Training

  • N/A

Readiness Condition 5 – Awareness

  • Inventory, restock backpack and personal / family hurricane kit.

Readiness Condition 4 – Preparation

  • Check backpack. Make individual stay or evacuate decision.
  • Communicate intentions to Team Captain.

Readiness Condition 3 – Standby

  • If you elect to stay, prepare home for storm and CERT activation.
  • Secure objects outside you home that could be projectile in strong winds.

Readiness Condition 2 – Alert

  • Attend Activation Briefing, gather backpack and uniform (vest, helmet, ID).
  • Charge electronic devices, check radios.

Readiness Condition 1 – Activate

  • When conditions are safe, turn on radio per activation briefing – meet at assembly point, conduct preliminary damage assessment on the way to assembly point.